Images Formats - Restrictions and Recommendations

Find the ideal recommended sizes for uploading images to ensure they display perfectly on your website and mobile app!

This feature is available with the following subscription plans. Merchants not on one of these plans will be automatically upgraded: 

  • Pro
  • Expert

Website Category Tiles

Mobile view: square,  500*500 px JPG/PNG up to 1MB
Desktop view: horizontal rectangle, 1000*430 px JPG/PNG up to 1MB

App Category Tiles

Best Size: 600*757px JPG/PNG up to 1MB

Learn more about how to customize your mobile app and website categories here.

Product GroupsBanners & Hero Images

  • Best Size:
    • App: 1600*530 px Horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 1MB (Facebook Cover on Canva)
    • Web: 1600*400px Horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 1MB (LinkedIn Banner on Canva)
 Please make sure to use high-res images, sharp text, etc. All images are compressed on our end to make sure your app and website are loading fast.

App Assets


   Splash image are used for both phones and iPads/tablets.
   Store list images are manually uploaded only by the City Hive Design Team.


 Safe area - should include all important content (e.g. logo or text). This will prevent content from being hidden/cut off the device's screen.

Safe area examples: 
Example of what the app assets will look like:

Serverless Website Assets

  • Best Size:  1024*500 px Horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 1MB
  • Best Size: 512*512 px Square, JPG/PNG, up to 1MB

Background Image:

  • Recommended size: 1800 * 1800, PNG/JPG, up to 500kb.

Header Background Image:

  • Recommended size: 1800 * 300px, PNG/JPG, up to 500kb.


Email Assets

Automated informative emails
  • Email Logo: 147*37 px PNG - up to 500KB  
Marketing emails
  • Email Logo on Light Background + Gift print message: 1000*460px PNG transparent - up to 500KB
  • Email Logo on Dark Background: 1000*460px PNG transparent - up to 500KB

Branding - Bulk Upload

Image Type: file name FORMAT / Width x Height px

App Assets
  • App Icon: icon PNG / 1024 x 1024 px

  • App Push Icon: push_icon PNG / 256 x 256 px

  • App Logo: title PNG / 1000 x 200 px

  • App Splash: splash PNG / 2732 x 2732 px

  • App Feature: feature PNG / 1024 x 500 px

Email Assets
  • Email Logo: email logo PNG / 147 x 37 px
  • Email Campaign Logo on Light Background: light bg PNG / 1000 x 460 px
  • Email Campaign Logo on Dark Background: dark bg PNG / 1000 x 460 px
  • Website Logo: web PNG / 1024 x 500 px
  • Website Favicon: favicon PNG / 512 x 512 px

Bottle Images 

  • Best Size: 300*1000 px (1 bottle/can - preference is without glass/accessories/box etc.)
    • Width: larger than 400px
    • Height: larger than to 400 px
    • Background: Transparent or solid white 
    • Format: PNG or JPG, up to 200KB  

Push Notifications In-App

  • Regular View: Horizontal 675*400 px, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 2MB
  • Scrolled Zoom in View (for vertical images only): Vertical 675*788 px, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 2MB 
  • Best Size: 1000px * 660px horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 2MB 

Wine Club

Wine club - plan image
  • Best Size: 800px*530px Horizontal, JPG/PNG, up to 1MB
Wine club - header image
Manually uploaded by the City Hive Design Team only
  • Best Size:
    • App: 1000*680px Horizontal, JPG/PNG /GIF, up to 1MB
    • Web: 1600*400px Horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 1MB