Send a Push or SMS Notification

The push & SMS notification feature is available with the following subscription plans. Merchants not on one of these plans will be automatically upgraded upon sending a push or SMS notification.

  • Pro
  • Expert

Send customers a direct message to their mobile devices about a promo or special event via push notification or sms. 

➡️ Head to your Campaigns Page 

At the top of the page, select the notification you'd like to send: 

Please note that there is an additional cost for SMS campaigns.  Each SMS message sent incurs a charge of 1.8 cents, which will be billed to your account.

Fill in the following fields: 

  1. Describe Your Notification: The description is for your own personal reference and will not be shown to your customers. This is a great place to put any reminders that will help you with bookkeeping. 
  2. Send to: Use this section to select which group you would like the notification to be sent to. 
    • You can send to all customers, or you can select a specific customer group from the drop down list. For example: You can send the notification to your store's "Wine Lover's" List
  3. Duration (Only available on a Push Notification): Specify how long the notification should show up when customers launch your app.
    • You can set your duration in either hours or minutes.
  4. Title: This will show up as the title of the message.
    • Pro tip: Make it eye-catching so your customers will open your app! 
  5. Body: This will show up as the body in the notification message.
    • Make this informative, but not too long- you have 140 characters to describe the promotion. 
  6. Add an Action (Only available on a Push Notification): Pick what you would like to happen when the customer opens your push notification. 
    • No action
    • Apply a coupon
    • Display products
    • Open an event
  7. Add a Disclaimer (Only available on a Push Notification): Important small print information for customers to know about the limitations of the promotion.
  8. Add an Image (Only available on a Push Notification): Rich content to improve the look of your push notification. See size recommendations here. 

Scroll back to the top and click the yellow button to Save Your Notification.

We recommend sending a preview to yourself first to make sure everything is correct, you can also schedule it for a specific time or send NOW.