Promo Banners allow you to display new inventory, push old inventory, apply a coupon and more.
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert
Popular Uses:
- Drive traffic to specific products by showcasing them on your site with a custom banner that links directly to the product for easy access.
- Inform customers about any ongoing in-store or online promotions or special offers.
Start driving traction to specific products by creating a banner today. We suggest using sites such as Canva to create your banners.
Begin on the Marketing tab of your dashboard then proceed by clicking "Create Promo Banner" at the top right
Is it enabled? - This acts as an "on and off" button
Set the priority - Only needed if there is more than one banner activated. The higher the number the higher the priority (0-999). (Ex: 10 is prioritized over 3)
Describe this promotional banner - This is a description of the banner and does not show up on the app
Add an app image - This is the image that will show up on the app/website.
Add a desktop image - Similar to the App, please follow the guidelines for the best looking picture
Best Size:App: 1600*530 px Horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 1MB (Facebook Cover on Canva)
Web: 1600*400px Horizontal, JPG/PNG/GIF, up to 1MB (LinkedIn Banner on Canva)
Add Banner Products - This is what triggers the promo banner to show up (if the screen contains a specific rum bottle, the banner shows)
Ex: Name Contains Absolut to only apply Absolut bottles to the Banner
Add Action - This is what action occurs when the banner is clicked
- Ex: Display Products containing the text 'Absolut'
- When using the Open URL Action, you must use the full link including https:// or http://
- Ex: Display Products containing the text 'Absolut'
- Add Time - This will ensure the banner is activated during this time.
- Once done click "Save".
Banners show up automatically in the product results page as well, between the product row cards (If the change is not seen automatically, use the cacheless URL to view the banner)
Sample version of banner: