Integrate with UPS Shipping

UPS can be integrated with your City Hive website and app to provide real-time rate information to customers looking to ship products to a location outside of your delivery zone.

This feature is available with all subscription plans: 
  • Standard
  • Pro
  • Expert
  1. Begin on your Shipping Settings page
  2. Under Shipping Area Details, click on UPS, then Click to Setup under UPS Details
    Screen Recording 2023-09-11 at 12.23.47 PM
  3. Click Proceed to UPSScreenshot 2024-07-16 at 10.43.08
  4. Log in or create a UPS account if necessary to integrate your account with City Hive
    UPS Login
  5. Open the Shipping Settings and enter the following information
    • User ID (This is the login for your UPS account)
    • Password (This is the password for your UPS account)
    • Payment Account # (6 digit number found on your invoice)

This completes the integration for generating real-time shipping quotes for your customers and label generation. To take the next step and set up your shippable states, click here to find out more!