Squarespace Domain

Learn how to switch over your domain to us if you have Squarespace!

This feature is available with all subscription plans: 
  • Standard
  • Pro
  • Expert
  1. Begin on the Domains panel. If your domain is linked to a parking page, log into your parking page to view your unique Home menu instead.
  2.  Click the domain name. If you have multiple Squarespace domains, you’ll manage their DNS records separately.
  3.  Click Edit DNS

Add custom DNS records

1. Set/update two  @ records of type  A and point one of them to and the other one to

2. Set/update the  www record to be of type CNAME and its value should be hosting.cityhive.app


For further assistance, head over to -Squarespace Help Center or contact support@cityhive.net for further assistance with the set up.