Refund an Order

If a customer never received an item or full order, you can provide them with a partial or full refund through the dashboard.

This feature is available with all subscription plans: 
  • Standard
  • Pro
  • Expert 

Popular uses: 

  • Issuing a refund to a customer who did not receive their products
  • Using the refund feature as a way to effectively 'cancel' an order as long as no goods left the store
  • Offering a partial refund to a customer in cases where all the ordered items are unavailable
  1. Begin on the order you are looking to refund
  2. Click the “Refund” button on the right side of the order page to issue a Full Refund

 If the order has not been approved you can decline the order so the customer will not be charged.

Voided Transactions

While a refund is being issued, it can appear as a full refund or as a voided transaction. If the refund takes place within the hour the order was submitted it may appear as a void. If that happens, the system stops the funds from transferring and the transaction will not appear on the customers account. In addition voided transactions will not be subject to any transactional fees. 

Partial Refunds

  1. Begin by clicking on the "Edit" button on the right side of the order page
  2.  Delete the product by clicking on the trash bin icon
  3. If there is more than one of the products that you would like to refund, simply update the quantity of the product to the correct amount
  4. After making the desired adjustments for the order,  click on "Update Order"

If the order has been accepted or fulfilled you may still  proceed with a partial refund!