For more details on how Uber Eats orders work within our dashboard, please refer to the information provided below!
This feature is available with all subscription plans:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert
- Begin on the Orders page of your dashboard
If an order is placed through Uber Eats, the logo will appear next to it
status will always appear on the order, as we do not handle payment processing on our end. Payments for any orders are settled directly through Uber Eats
Approve or Decline
After reviewing the order, once it is marked as approved, we notify Uber Eats of the approval status. If the order is declined, the system alerts Uber Eats of the rejection.
Pickup Orders – The system sends a notification to the platform, informing them of how the order will be received by the customer.
Currently, Uber Eats does not support any modifications made through the dashboard for orders. Any attempts to make unsupported edits will result in an error.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding these specific orders, please contact your representative at Uber Eats or reach out to for further assistance.