1. City Hive Support
  2. Get Set Up
  3. Create Your Merchant Account

Team Access

Give your team the ability to help manage your online operations by setting them up with their own accounts on the City Hive Dashboard. 

This feature is available with all subscription plans: 

  • Standard
  • Pro
  • Expert

Topics covered in this article:

    1. Adding Users
    2. Common User Roles

Adding Users

  1. Begin on the Users section of your settings
  2. To add a new user, click the at the top right of the page

  3. If you wish to create the user only providing the team member's email, you can choose to register with "Email Only" and assign them a role. If you would like to provide all of the team member's information, you can select "All User Info" and proceed to provide your employee's name, assign them a role, enter their email and phone number, and create a password which they can use to login. 
  4. Click Submit to send your team member an email with an invitation to the platform


Please Note: The user will need to click the 'Verify Email' button in their email to receive access to their account


Common User Roles

  1. Orders Only: Permissions to approve or decline orders
  2. Manager: All of the above + the permissions to edit orders, create discounts, and review performance results
  3. Admin: All of the above + the permissions to send push notifications, receive billing information, and control user settings