Activate Fraud Protection

Fraud protection can give you peace of mind so you don't have to worry as much about the financial consequences of fraud. In turn, this allows you to concentrate on providing great customer service and growing your business.

This feature is available with all subscription plans: 
  • Standard
  • Pro
  • Expert

City Hive offers Advanced Fraud Protection to safeguard your business from fraudulent chargebacks, including those resulting from stolen account or card information. The service costs an additional 1% on all transactions and can be activated for your store(s) by following the steps below:

  1. Begin on the Fraud Protection Add On page

  2. Read the terms and conditions on the right side of the page

  3. Check the box to acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms and conditions

  4. Scroll to the top of the page and click activate  

Upon completion of the above steps, all newly processed transactions will undergo analysis utilizing the additional fraud tools. It is important to note that any transactions conducted prior to this implementation will not be eligible for coverage.


More information about Fraud Protection and chargebacks below: