Update a Product's Price or Set a Sale Price

Changing prices is a common practice in business to adapt to changing market dynamics, maintain competitiveness, and meet the needs of both the business and its customers.

This feature is available with all subscription plans: 
  • Standard
  • Pro
  • Expert

There are two different ways to update your product's price.

    1. Change the original price of a product
    2. Create a sale price for a product

Follow the steps below depending on what you'd like to do.

Change the Original Price of a Product

Our inventory syncs with your POS system every hour and overrides the price listed in your City Hive dashboard if different. Therefore, to make a permanent change of the price, please update the info in your POS. If the price is listed correctly in your POS but it is not reflected properly in City Hive, please submit a ticket with a screenshot of the product from your POS by clicking here.

Temporarily update the product's price if necessary by following the steps below.

  1. Begin on the inventory section of your dashboard
  2. Search for the item in your inventory by using the search bar on the top right of your screen
  3. Click on the pencil next to the price
  4. Enter the correct price edbsn14471b822a2b547bf0b423a507d6314ec5bd3bc049c7d667a183e9e0b0a27ad33f5399db51472be25e30eaa995408254-1 copy
  5. Click the check mark to save

Create a Sale Price for a Product

Sale pricing can be managed from your POS system or your dashboard. If you are already managing the original price and sale price we can integrate this so that you do not have to manage this twice. If this is not already configured, please submit a ticket with a screenshot of an example sale item from your POS by clicking here.

To set sale pricing in your dashboard, follow the steps below.

  1. Begin on the inventory section of your dashboard
  2. Search for the item in your inventory by using the search bar on the top right of your screen
  3. Click the % icon on the far right of the product to 'Create a Discount Price for this Product' DocsDisplay-Nov-10-2022-08-14-21-6699-PM
  4. Enter the discounted price for the product and click Submit DocsDisplay-Nov-10-2022-08-14-15-3009-PM-1 

Note sale pricing can not be scheduled through the dashboard. In order to remove a sale price that was created in the dashboard, click the % icon again.