
The form feature is available with the following subscription plans. Merchants not on one of these plans will be automatically upgraded upon publishing a custom form.

  • Pro
  • Expert
  1.  Begin on the Forms page of the Studio section
  2. Click the yellow plus button at the top right of your screen to create a new form Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 11.48.37 PM-2
  3. Enter a title that will be shown to customers that describes what the form is for
  4. Click the '+ New Field' button to add fields of information to collect 
    1. Text: One-line text field
    2. Tel: Phone number only - 10 digit US phone number without country code, spaces, or special characters
    3. Email
    4. Number: Number only - default value available
    5. Checkbox: Multiple options with option for multiple selections
    6. Radio: Multiple options with a single selection
    7. Select: Dropdown list of options with a single selection
    8. Acceptance: Single option with a checkbox
    9. Text Area: Text field for multiple lines
    10. Text Block: For notes, titles, etc
    11. URL: Link only (must be a full URL)
    12. Date: Date picker - format: mm/dd/yyyy
    13. Time: Time picker - format: hh:mm am/pm
    14. Upload File- Upload file picker
  5. Complete each field with some or all of the following information
    1. Check if it's a required field - can leave unchecked
    2. Field Name - required
    3. Placeholder - not required
    4. Populate Customer Attribute - only required when connecting information from the form to a customer's profileS
  6. Choose your form settings
  7. Add a valid email address to receive notifications of new submissions

Optional Settings

  1. Form SMS keyword trigger -  A word the customer can text to your City Hive number that will count as a form submission. Best used for raffle submissions.
  2. Requires logged in customer - Forces the customer to log in or create an account prior to submitting the form. Best used when populating customer attributes.
  3. Submission email subject - The subject line for the email that gets sent to the recipients upon submission.