Create A Case Discount

At City Hive, we offer a range of discount configurations, but our most popular one is the case discount. If you're using our Merchant Dashboard, you'll see this discount referred to as an "automatic discount.

  1. Begin on the Promotions section of the dashboard and click on Automatic Discounts
  2. Click on New Underlying Rule to begin setting up your case discount Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.06.38 PM
  3. Fill in the details of the discount
    1. Rule Name: Name that will show up in your discount list (visible only on your dashboard)
    2. Rule Description: Describe the discount the customer will receive (visible only on your dashboard)
    3. Discount Amount: Toggle between the dollar mode to percentage modes by clicking the symbol next to field and then enter the amount that will be taken off the products
  4. Click 'Continue' until you navigate to the 'Category And Product' Filter on the left side menu Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.14.50 PM
  5. Enable the filter by clicking on the box Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.17.28 PM-1
  6. Choose the alcohol type that you'd like to limit the discount to and add any additional parameters by clicking 'Add Parameter'
    1. A typical example looks like: 
      Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.23.52 PM-1Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.46.55 PM 
      *If multiple sizes are required use the | symbol without spaces to add more options. us-mac-keyboard copy 2
    2. Additional popular parameters include - Field | Operation | Value 
      1. Subtype | Does Not Include | Sparkling
      2. Tags | includes | "{tag name}"
      3. Price String | Does Not End With | .97
  7. Scroll to the bottom section of the page and enter the product requirements
    1. Minimum Product Quantity: Enter the number of items required for the discount
    2. Discount Qualifying Products:  Enable this box so that only the products that meet the product filter receive the discount
    3. Exclude Discounted Products (not required): If you do not want to have sale items count towards the minimum product quantity, check this box
  8. Click 'Continue' until you navigate to the 'Exclude Discounts' Filter on the left side menu
    1. Enable the filter if you would not like to discount sale items further
  9. Click 'Continue' until you navigate to the 'Summary' on the left side menu and then click 'Create'