Product specific coupons boost sales, promote new products, clear inventory, and enhance loyalty while attracting new customers. Discover how to create one here!
This feature is available with all subscription plans:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert
Popular Uses:
- Encourage customers to purchase a particular product by offering discounts or incentives
- Use coupons to move overstocked or seasonal products quickly
- Begin on your Inventory section
Click the tag icon next to the desired product
You will be directed to the Promotion section, where the coupon name will be automatically populated
- Fill in the remaining coupon settings on the page
- Description - Adding a custom description of the coupon to easily keep track of the purpose
- Amount - The amount of the discount you would like to set the item to
- Fixed Discount (Optional) - If you would like to have the discounted amount off each item
- Fixed Price (Optional) - Set the price of all items to be the same
- Show on Deals (Optional) - Show customer facing deals
- Order Limit - Number of times the coupon can be used by a user
- Scroll up and click
- (Optional) Fill out the rest of the details for the coupon. Please note the settings for the coupon will already be auto populated
- Choose the Date or Time Limited options if you want the coupon to be active for a specific period
- Check this section to exclude discounted products from this coupon
- Review the summary to ensure all of the settings for the coupon are correct
Click 'Create' at the top to finalize your coupon, or (optional) select 'Create with push' to send the coupon details directly to customers
For any assistance on this set up, please contact