Approve Apple's Terms of Service

Apple updates their App Store terms of service. Our developers ensure your app complies with new security policies. Learn more here on how you can approve the terms for us to release the updated app version!

This feature is available with the following subscription plans. Merchants not on one of these plans will be automatically upgraded: 
  • Pro
  • Expert
  1. Begin on your Developer Account
  2. Sign in using your Apple ID - If you do not remember the Apple ID,  the email can be found on the top of the warning banner via the City Hive dashboard
  3. Once logged in your Developer Account, Click to Review Agreement in the red bar at the top of the page and approve the new terms and conditions
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Don't see a banner like this when you log in? Have no fear! To see all pending agreements, head to App Store Connect.

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  1. From your App Store Connect, select Agreements, Tax, and Banking. Here, you will see pending terms that need to be accepted. 
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  2. Once selected, you can  View Terms to read and accept.
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