Migrate Your App from an Alternative Service

City Hive apps provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly platform for connecting your business with your customers. If you have an app already, seamlessly migrate your customers by completing this process.

The mobile app is available with the following subscription plans. Merchants not on one of these plans will be automatically upgraded upon launch.
  • Pro
  • Expert

A popular example of migrating your app includes:

  • You've previously launched an app with a different provider and now want to ensure that users who have already downloaded the app don't need to redownload it.

We require access to both the Apple Developer Program and that your Android app is transferred from the Google Play store. 

Step 1: Share access to your Apple Developer Program

  1. Begin by logging in to https://developer.apple.com/account
  2. Under program resources/Apple Store Connect, select Users & Access Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 12.28.58 PM
  3. Click on the plus sign towards the top left
    Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 12.32.42 PM 
  4. Enter the following information for the New User and click invite
Please let us know that you have submitted the invitation by emailing  support@cityhive.net. Only then will we start the migration to the new account. 

Step 2: Transfer your Android app from the Google Play store

  1. Contact the current admin of your Android app
  2. Request that they follow the steps in the link here: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6230247?hl=en
  3. Share the information below which will will be required during the transfer process
    1. Transaction ID: 05912476870148976978.registration-a380caa2-6b5a-4f57-b3dc-6c40e08500d6
    2. Developer ID: 5899250864637200353