How to Create a Blog Post

Having a blog on your companies ecommerce website is a powerful tool to establish expertise within the field and engage with your audience on a more personal level. By sharing valuable insights you can attract more visitors to your website.

The blog feature is available with the following subscription plans. Merchants not on one of these plans will be automatically upgraded upon publishing a blog post.

  • Pro
  • Expert

Great blog post examples include:

  • 5 Popular Spanish and Portuguese Wines to Sip this Summer
  • 9 Tips for Reading a French Wine Label
  1. Begin on the “pages" page under the "studio” section
  2. Click on the (+) to create a new page - scroll down and select “new blog post”
  3. Decide on a meaningful name for your blog slug to reflect what the post will address
  4. Decide on the title of your blog post to reflect how you want it to be identified when sending the post as a link
  5. Click "open pages 2.0 editor" in the "design it" section to customise your blog page
    1. You can add elements from the menu on the right side of the screen such as images, link products or videos
  6. Create a new blog post description used to preview your page content when sending it as a link via social media and Google Search results 
  7. Upload a related image that will showcase what your blog post is about - ensure it is captivating to entice people to click on and read the post
  8. Click "save" at the bottom of the page to save all changes and upload your blog post

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