Build a Free Delivery Coupon
In order to maintain customer loyalty and satisfaction, it can be beneficial to provide a free delivery coupon to a customer who had a less-than-ideal experience with your store.
- Begin on the Coupon page of your Promotions section in the City Hive dashboard
- Click on 'New Coupon'

- Name the coupon with the code you'd like to share with the customer(s)
- Write a coupon description so that you know internally what the coupon is for
- Enter $0 for the discount amount so that you do not apply any discount to the products in the customer's cart
- Enter the number of orders you'd like the discount to apply on under Order Limit (1 is most common)
- Click 'Continue' at the top right of your screen
until you land on the 'Date Limited' section of the promo
- Optional - limit the discount to a specific time period: Check the box and add a start and end date for how long the code should be valid for

- Click 'Continue' at the top right of your screen
until you land on the 'Customer Specific' section of the promo
- Optional - limit the discount to a specific customer: Check the box and add the following information to limit the discount for a specific customer

- Click 'Continue' at the top right of your screen
until you land on the 'Discount Feature' section of the promo
- Check the box and add the following information to set up the free delivery promotion

- Click 'Continue' at the top right of your screen
and then click 'Create'
to finalize the creation of the promo